What to Expect After Your Treatment


Our needles are sterile, single-use disposable needles. Acupuncture is not meant to be painful, although the Qi-sensation (tingling, numbness, dull ache, heaviness) can be strong. Please tell your practitioner if you feel uncomfortable at any time. Your co-operation is appreciated, and will help your practitioner help you to have a pleasant acupuncture experience. It’s also important if you don’t feel anything, to let your practitioner know, the level of sensation can be easily adjusted.

Acupuncture may produce unwanted side-effects such as bruising at the points, dizziness and fainting. Please tell your practitioner if you feel any of these symptoms. This booklet has some strategies to minimize risk.

It’s common to feel relaxed or sleepy after treatment, so avoid getting up quickly from the treatment table and give yourself time to adjust before driving. The waiting area is available for people to relax and drink water or tea before leaving. Please call the clinic if you have any post-treatment concerns.

With all musculoskeletal treatments, it can be normal to feel sore or feel that the pain has moved around the next day. Sometimes you will feel more tired later that day or the next day.

You should start to experience pain/symptom relief effect by the second day after the treatment. If symptoms continue to get worse or are not relieved, please call us to arrange another appointment. Or speak with your practitioner.

In some cases of inflammation, massage can be overly aggravating, and acupuncture or a combination of acupuncture and massage is a more suitable option until the inflammation subsides.


Cupping typically leaves a red mark or bruise-like mark which are usually painless and can last over a week .It is important to tell us if bruises in the area being cupped are cosmetically unacceptable.

For some people, normal cupping produces tiny blisters on the surface of the skin. This is typically “dampness” coming to the surface. It can also occur with cupping in very humid weather. If this occurs, your practitioner will give you instructions for after-care.

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