acupuncture mt lawley


Considered one of the 6 Pathogens in Chinese Medicine, wind can cause disharmony in our body. No, in case you were wondering, we are not talking about the flatulence type of wind! Much of Chinese medicine can be understood from observation, particularly observing our body and the environment. While moderate wind in the environment is tolerable, […]

Acupuncture just as good as Placebo?

This is a comment by Acupuncturist, Marie Hopkinson on Today’s news reporting on a recent study for Acupuncture in the treatment of hot flushes. Reported by ABC  “Real and fake acupuncture both ease the symptoms of menopausal hot flushes: study” and even in a very limited “article” in the West Australian today: The current published report […]

Dry Needling & Acupuncture … what’s the difference?

Dry Needling & Acupuncture, what’s the difference? This is a great question that I’m often asked, especially when I present to large groups, it inevitably comes up. The practice of dry needling is really just another acupuncture needle technique, based on a predominantly musculo-skeletal or biomedial approach. This means it’s a way of doing needling […]

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