

Considered one of the 6 Pathogens in Chinese Medicine, wind can cause disharmony in our body. No, in case you were wondering, we are not talking about the flatulence type of wind! Much of Chinese medicine can be understood from observation, particularly observing our body and the environment. While moderate wind in the environment is tolerable, […]


To paraphrase from the Yellow Emperor, “Spring is the season where all living creatures grow” Growth is a vital part of our lives, not just physically but mentally. The spring season brings warmpth that pushes our Yang Qi (Energy) from it’s hybernative state of winter to the exterior of the body. The sun rises earlier […]

Beat the Heat

If you live in Australia, no doubt you know it’s summer. Where I am in Perth, it’s been up to 44 degrees already! Did you know that the weather is significant in the cause of disease according to Chinese medicine? Heat is one of “6 Pathogens”, that can invade the body and cause disharmonies. Heat […]

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